What is PAT testing and why your company should carry it out.
PAT testing (or portable appliance testing) is the process of testing a pluggable device to see whether or not it is safe for purpose and use. A PAT test comprises of 3 parts – a visual inspection of the device, plug, environment, flex and enclosure, an insulation test for verification of earthing (grounding) continuity, and a test of the soundness of insulation between the current carrying parts and any exposed metal that may be touched.
Why PAT test your equipment?
PAT testing has been a legal requirement in Ireland since 2007 and is covered by The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulation’s S.I NO.299 of 2007 . PAT testing certification is also now being required more and more by insurance companies who require one before issuing either public liability insurance or building insurance. An up to date PAT testing certificate is also required for the following situations:
- Farmer’s markets and pop up food courts for all casual traders.
- Landlords.
- Hotels.
- Long term house letting scheme via Dublin & Fingal county council.
- Temporary displays in shopping centers.
- Building sites.
- Concerts/Festivals.
Not having an up to date PAT testing certificate in the event of an accident relating to your electrical equipment can result in fines, loss of insurance cover and prosecution in the event of accidental death.
Benefits of PAT testing your equipment
By ensuring that your equipment is safe for purpose by PAT testing you will have the following benefits:
- Cheaper insurance premiums.
- Peace of mind as a business owner that both your staff and customers are operating and visiting a safe environment.
- Longer lasting and safer electrical equipment.
For a competitive PAT testing quote for 1-10,000 items, contact us on 0862553408/0862503939